Here are the Booking Terms and Conditions for Greenwood Photography, which is a trading name of Paul Greenwood Photography Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales (Company No. 12239069).
Please read them carefully as these terms and conditions explain your rights and responsibilities, and also ours.
“You” means the Client named in the Contract, “We” means Greenwood Photography.
The “Contract” means the contract accepted by you in submitting the Booking Form, and incorporates these terms and conditions.
“Wedding” shall, if the context so requires, be deemed to be a reference to a civil partnership ceremony or any other analogous ceremony.
1. We agree to supply to you wedding photography services in accordance with the Contract. The Contract incorporates all the terms agreed between us and no variation shall apply unless agreed in writing and signed by both parties.
2. You must ensure that any representation or promise on which you rely and which is important to you is written on the Contract. A space has been provided on the Contract for this purpose (‘Any special instructions / important info’ under Your Package).
3. We ask you to note any special requests in the space on the Contract provided for that purpose. We will endeavour to accommodate any reasonable requests made by you but can not guarantee to be able to do so.
4. The Deposit is payable by you on submitting the Contract. This will be set against the total fees payable by you and is non-refundable.
5. The Balance of the Package Fee must be paid by you no less than 30 days prior to the date of the wedding. If the Package Fee is not paid by that date, we reserve the right not to provide any services until payment is made or to treat the Contract as being cancelled by you. The provisions of clause 17 will then apply.
6. The Package Fee includes the time and expense of our photographer travelling to and from the agreed locations. It also includes our time for attending to take photographs as stated on the Contract. If the photographer is requested to stay for a longer period at the wedding or reception we will try to accommodate all reasonable requests but can not guarantee that we will be able to do so. We reserve the right to charge additional time as an additional service at the rate specified in our current price list, a copy of which will be provided upon request.
7. Unless otherwise agreed in writing a separate fee will be charged for all additional services ordered, in accordance with our current price list. The price of any additional services must be paid in full before delivery.
8. In the unlikely event that the photographer is unable to attend for reasons beyond our control (e.g. death, injury or illness) we will use our best endeavours to arrange a suitable replacement. If this is not possible clause 16 shall apply.
9. We will discuss with you your general requirements and wishes in relation to the taking of the photographs. You should be aware that it may not be possible for these to be followed due to factors such as weather conditions, lighting conditions, the subjects being photographed and time constraints. You, therefore, grant us full and unfettered artistic licence in relation to the content of the photographs, their arrangement, composition, location and the number of photographs taken.
10. Photographs will be taken against the available backgrounds. Please note that moving objects or performing other cosmetic duties on location is not part of our service.
11. You agree to be responsible for any injury, loss or damage caused to our photographer or equipment caused by your guests.
12. Every effort will be made to provide a good colour balance between photographs but this may not always be possible due to factors such as lighting conditions and digital sensor limitations. Prints made on different occasions or in different sizes may also vary. Accordingly, no warranty is given that an exact colour match can be provided.
13. We keep your digital media for 12 months. You are advised to make a back-up of the digital wedding photographs you receive from us to protect yourselves in the event of loss, digital corruption or theft.
14. Upon receiving your wedding photographs, you also receive Usage Rights to accompany them. Specifically, you receive a Personal licence to use your images for Personal Use – for example printing for personal display, using them on your social media, giving copies to friends and family for their personal use and display, and creating your own personal products (prints, calendars, photo books, albums). There is no time or geographic limit on this Personal licence. Your licence precludes Commercial use. Examples of commercial usage include but are not limited to; uploading to a stock image library, syndicating (re-selling), publishing in print and online media or promoting a commercial enterprise. The copyright in all images and copies of images whether stored digitally or otherwise and any computer program including any source or object code, computer file or printed documentation relating to such images remains our property, but you have a licence to use them for Personal, non-commercial use. If, at any stage, you are unsure as to whether a use you are putting your images to is considered commercial, you agree to contact us to check your rights.
15. We reserve the right to use or display any images created as part of this Contract in our studio, as part of our portfolio, at exhibitions, or for marketing purposes.
16. In the unlikely event that we are unable to perform the Contract for reasons beyond our reasonable control (for example, death injury, illness), the Contract shall be cancelled but our liability to you shall be limited to a full refund of all fees paid by you.
17. You may cancel the Contract at any time by notice in writing. You will then be liable to pay to us compensation based on a percentage of the Package Fee depending upon when the notice is received:
121 days or more – Deposit only
91 – 120 days – 50%
61 – 90 days – 60%
31 – 60 days – 75%
0 – 30 days – 100%
18. If the date of the wedding is postponed, we may at our sole discretion (which we will exercise reasonably having regard to our ability to obtain alternative work on the first agreed date and availability on the second date) agree not to treat the Contract as being cancelled but to provide the services on the postponed date and apply all monies paid by you towards the fees for that day.
19. We will exercise the reasonable skill care and judgment that you would expect of a professional photographer but we shall not be liable for events beyond our reasonable control nor for loss which is indirect or consequential. Under no circumstances will our liability to you, whether for breach of contract, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise exceed the total amount that you have paid to us under this Contract. Our fees have been calculated on this basis. If you wish to have additional cover we would recommend that you consider taking out a policy of insurance. Nothing in this Contract shall exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by us or those for whose acts we are responsible.
If have any questions or queries regarding our terms and conditions, please contact us.